New Application Note: Comparison of High Resolution PEPperMAP® Epitope Mappings with Low Resolution Epitope Mappings

PEPperPRINT is pleased to release a new application note about the effect of the peptide-peptide overlap on epitope prediction in peptide microarray-based epitope mappings.

For peptide microarray-based epitope mappings, an antigen sequence is, usually, translated into overlapping peptides. To save costs, the peptide-peptide overlap is frequently reduced to e.g. 10 or 11 amino acids with 15mer peptides, as provided by most commercial suppliers. The peptide-peptide overlap, however, plays an important role for epitope prediction. A reduced peptide-peptide overlap hampers the exact identification of conserved core motifs, the unambiguous itemization of adjacent epitopes in polyclonal samples, or the differentiation of non-specific binders from real epitopes.

To demonstrate the influence of the peptide-peptide overlap on epitope mapping and prediction, CENPA-based peptide microarrays with overlapping peptides were assayed with two different systemic sclerosis patient sera.

The data clearly highllights that a maximum peptide-peptide overlap is required for acccurate epitope prediction, and demonstrates the advantages of PEPperMAP® high resolution epitope mapping services.

Download Application Note: Comparison of High Resolution PEPperMAP® Epitope Mappings with Low Resolution Epitope Mappings


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