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Presented by: Patrizio Giacomini M.D., Immunology Laboratory, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy
Date: June 18, 2015 

Protein folding and polymorphism are two major challenges hampering the precise identification of the nature of an antibody epitope; whether it is linear, discontinuous and/or conformational. In the present webinar, Dr. Patrizio Giacomini, an immunologist from the Italian National Cancer Institute, will share with you his experience with PEPperPRINT's epitope mapping. In his own assessment, PEPperPRINT's methodology acts as a remarkable 'Occam’s Razor' to cut down the range of possible epitope variations and cross reactions, and may represent the first step to navigate in the complexity of the antigen world.


About the Presenter

Dr. Giacomini graduated in 1980 at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, and obtained a specialty school degree in Infectious Diseases in 1985. His main research interests are HLA, tumor immunology and both natural and recombinant antibodies. Recently, much of his activity has been focused on nanoimmunotherapy. He also has a keen interest in the methods and social implications of biotechnology.

Dr. Giacomini worked at several International institutions including Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation (La Jolla, California) and Columbia University (New York). Over the past 30 years he has taught immunology at several Italian universities, and was appointed to serve in the staff of University Biotechnology Centers. Presently, Dr. Giacomini is group leader at the National Cancer Institute, and has active ongoing collaborations with the academia and the pharmaceutical industry.

As author of >100 publications in peer reviewed journals, his research has been supported by private companies and investors as well as by public funding bodies in Italy and Europe (FP7 and Horizon 2020).

Webinar: Antibody Epitopes and Protein Conformation